10th November 2020 – Manufacturing Clinical Supplies: Planning a First-in-Human Study

News 10th November 2020 – Manufacturing Clinical Supplies: Planning a First in Human Study Clinical trials are one of the most important components of any drug development project; requiring careful planning and extensive funding. Clinical trials are conducted to improve the efficacy and quality of a drug, to determine the dose and dose escalation, and … Read more

27th October 2020 – Manufacturing Clinical Supplies: The Role of Placebos and the Challenges of Manufacturing they Present

News 27th October 2020 – Manufacturing Clinical Supplies: The Role of Placebos and the Challenges of Manufacturing they Present One aspect of clinical trial manufacturing that often slips under the radar when designing, planning, and budgeting a clinical study is the role and supply of the placebo control. A placebo is defined as a substance … Read more

Key Considerations when Choosing a Device for Dry Powder Nasal Delivery

Drug administration via the nasal route can be used as an efficient method of administration for both local and systemic acting drugs. The nasal route offers a range of advantages including its relative ease of use as compared to injectable administration, patient acceptability and compliance. It also provides a suitable route for those compounds that … Read more

21st July 2020 – Considerations when Developing Dry Powder Formulations for Nasal Locally Delivered Drugs

News 21st July 2020 – Considerations when Developing Dry Powder Formulations for Nasal Locally Delivered Drugs By 2020, 58% of all therapeutics in development are injectable, 29% oral and 4% inhaled including nasal delivery, and while nasal delivery may not be one of the most explored routes, it has the potential to offer an alternative … Read more

9th June 2020 – Nasal Delivery: An Alternative Route

News 9th June 2020 – Nasal Delivery: An Alternative Route As of March 2020, 58% of all therapeutics in development are injectable, 29% oral and 4% inhaled including nasal delivery, and while nasal delivery may not be one of the most explored routes, it holds the potential to offer an alternative delivery method for therapeutics … Read more

12th May 2020 – A Tablet Development Journey at Upperton

News 12th May 2020 – A Tablet Development Journey at Upperton With the continued expansion of our tablet formulation development services, Upperton currently have a number of tablet dosage form development projects completed or in progress. Theses tablet / solid dosage form projects have encompassed a wide range of development activities from Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient … Read more

Stages of Tablet Development: Compression Equipment Overview

Stages of Tablet Compression Equipment Used During Formulation and Process Development Tablets are one of the most popular dosage forms used in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and veterinary industries due to their ease of handling and administration, stability, convenient packing options and well-established cost-effective manufacturing processes which produce consistent quality products. Developing a tablet formulation from … Read more

10th March 2020 – Formulating Spray Dried Dispersions into Tablets – old

News 10th March 2020 – Formulation Spray Dried Dispersions into Tablets In this article, Upperton interviewed Dr Ian Lafferty, our Technical Consultant on the topic of developing spray dried dispersions (SDDs) into tablets. Ian has 25 years of technical and operational experience in early phase pharmaceutical development encompassing the formulation design, development, process optimisation and … Read more

Formulating Spray Dried Dispersions into Tablets

10th March 2020 : News In this article, Upperton interviewed Dr Ian Lafferty, our Technical Consultant on the topic of developing spray dried dispersions (SDDs) into tablets. Ian has 25 years of technical and operational experience in early phase pharmaceutical development encompassing the formulation design, development, process optimisation and manufacture of a wide range of … Read more

25th February 2020 – Applications and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Granulation

News 25th February 2020 – Applications and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Granulation Granulation has been widely used in the pharmaceutical industry since the 1950s. Whilst the science remains largely identical to that developed over 70 years ago, granulation techniques and equipment have improved to allow for a greater number of applications in both R&D and manufacture. … Read more